A Brand New Site!

12th Aug. 2023 6:35 PM

Cayden Haun

Hello all, Welcome to my website 3.0! I've been looking to switch to Hugo for a while now, as Jekyll was lacking in some features I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I loved working with Jekyll, but my static sites just needed something more, so I decided to finally make the switch over to Hugo. I've decided upon the hugo-profile theme, which looks really good, thanks to its amazing dev, gurusabrish!

As of the publishing of this article, this site is completely up with all of my previous articles archived, and some new ones coming soon as well. Alongside the publishing of the full site, the repository is now available on GitHub as well! During development, I kept it private as I was mostly using it to sync between devices, and it started quite ugly as well, so I didn't want it public. Now that everything is nearly done and polished, it is public. Anyway, I want to be brief on this one so I'm going to sign off. Welcome to the new site and thanks for reading!

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